Homeopathy is a comprehensive science capable of treating individuals of all age groups and a wide range of diseases. It can also be used preventatively in healthy individuals to boost immunity.

Homeopathic medicine works through the Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immune (PNEI) axis, helping to balance inner disturbances, restore harmony, and promote health. A comprehensive list of diseases can be treated in Sumiran homeopathy.

Mental Illness & Councelling

Anxiety disorder, Depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Addictions- tobacco, smoking, alcohol, etc...


Recurrent colds and cough, Recurrent Tonsilitis, Constipation and Indigestion, Dentition complain Stammering, Autism, Attention Deficit

Autism, Learning Disabilities

AUTISM, ADHD, ADD, Delayed Development, Cerebral Palsy, Hydrocephalus

Neurological Disorder

Chronic Headache, Vertigo, Epileptic Convulsions, facial Palsy, Trembling of face, neck, hands etc.,

Endocrinal Disorders

Diabetic Mellitus, thyroid disorders, high cholesterol, fatty liver, gall stone, high S.uric acid, Obesity, etc.

Women Health

Menstrual disorder, delayed Menarche (delayed first period), Dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea (white Discharge), PMS (Pre menstrual syndrome),

Men Health

Male sexual dysfunction or impotency, Inflammation of testis or scrotum (Orchitis), Erectile Dysfunction, ejaculation problem,


Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Ringworm infection, warts and corns, Vitiligo (white spots), Dark spots/patches, Dandruff, Hair


Urticarial rash , Allergic dermatitis(skin allergy), Rhinitis ( Allergic cold and coughs), Allergic Asthma, Allergic

Hair Loss

Hair fall can be of many ways, depending on its cause. It may affect the


Migraine is said as an incurable problem, homeopathy cures the disease in a different

Ear-Nose-Throat Disorder

Recurrent ear infection, vertigo, tinnitus, recurrent sinusitis, Rhinitis, Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS), Tonsillitis, Adenoid

Ophthalmic Disorder | Eye Related Disorder

Recurrent styes, blepharitis, chalazae, recurrent eye infection, optic neuritis, squint eye, premature cataract.

Respiratory Disorder

Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI), Asthamatic Bronchitis, brochiocstatis, pneumonia, whooping cough, tuberculosis, Recurrent Respiratory infection.

Gastro Intestinal Track Disorder

Chronic constipation, flatulency, acidity, chronic diarrhoea, reflux oesophagitis, gastric and peptic ulcers, piles and fissures,

Urinary Tract Disorders

Recurrent Urinary tract Infection, involuntary urination, renal stone, albuminuria, prostatitis.