Recurrent ear infection, vertigo, tinnitus, recurrent sinusitis, Rhinitis, Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS), Tonsillitis,  Adenoid enlargement, heart burn, reflux oesophagitis, hoarseness of voice, dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing).

Ear, Nose and Throat even though they are related with different systems of the body, Ear has to do with hearing, Nose has to do with smell and Throat has to do with speech, thyroid gland, respiratory system and digestive system, they are interlinked with each other.

They are like gate keepers of our body; they stop unwanted organisms and allergens outside of our body. So they are more prone to get infection. If our immune system is not strong enough then it tends to produce recurrent infection like recurrent ear infection, sinusitis, rhinitis, hay fever, tonsillitis, throat infections, adenoid enlargement etc. With Homoeopathic treatment we can strengthen immune system and stop further recurrence of infections.

The most inner part of Ear has balancing system of the body. Recurrent inflammation of inner ear tends to produce Vertigo (Giddiness), Tinnitus.

The middle wall of nose has tendency to over growth leads to produce Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS). Person will constantly feel blockage of Nose because of DNS. In most of the case surgery of DNS gives partial relief. With homoeopathic treatment we can stop this tendency to overgrowth and give permanent solution.

Throat is very delicate and exposed part of body. Vocal cord, thyroid gland, tonsil gland, wind pipe and food pipe are the main components of the throat.

Sore throat and hoarseness of voice is very common problems from overexertion of voice especially in public speakers, lawyers, politician, marketing field person, teachers etc.

Heartburn or acidity is another very common problem occurs because of overeating, irregular eating habits, overstress, night watching. Reflux oesophagitis would be the yet another cause for heartburn, acidity and vomiting after eating.

In all above mention problems, Homoeopathy can give permanent solution.